"Your Health, Our Mission: Bespoke Health Care for Life Without Limits"

“Unlock a Lifetime of Peak Health: Your Personal Doctor Awaits”

Life Optimization And Heart Attack Prevention

Want a longer, healthier life?  Would you like your career to extend long past what is considered the normal retirement age?  Or how about when you do retire, you can enjoy your retirement fully for decades?

Would you like to be able to play golf and other physical activities well into your 70s, 80s, and beyond and still be sharp enough to keep score in your head? 

With the latest scientific studies, we now know that with proper care and diet, living a long, healthy, life and being sharp as a tack as you get older is not only possible but there a certain things that you can do to give you the best chance at exactly that.

The issue why most people do not them is that there is information overload and the world is filled with studies that are flawed or biased, or just come to erroneous conclusions.

With thousands of studies coming out each year on health and disease prevention, it is enough for most people to just give up trying to sift through what actions they can take. This is no longer the case.

For instance, the American Heart Association has vetted regimes that according to their studies show a decreased risk of heart attack and stroke that reduces the risk by 80%.

Yet most people do not know about them or how to implement them.

There are other similar studies with a variety of diseases and conditions and we have brought what we think is the best of those together to help give you the best chance of a longer, healthier more fulfilling life.

Below, we offer you our programs that you can take advantage of based on how healthy you want to become and how long you want to live.  

The First Step

As the first step in the process for all of our plans, you will get a Saliva and or what is commonly known as TheSpit Test. This non-invasive screening involves you simply spitting into a tube and then your saliva is tested for multiple bacteria and yeasts.

While you may have never heard of this before, this groundbreaking screening gives us a wonderful 10,000-foot view of your current health as well as giving us indicators as to areas of concern that we will begin to address immediately.

We will discuss the Saliva test results and what it means for you and your partner.

This saliva screening gives us a view of your oral microbiome and tests for five main key indicator bacteria that will tell us if you are at risk for the following.

Heart Attack


Brain Abscess

Vascular Disease

Fatty Liver

Renal and Kidney Failure

Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Kidney and Renal failure

Cancer (Pancreas, Esophagus, Colon, Breast, Lungs, Head and Neck)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Dental Implant Failure

Periodontal Disease

Bone Loss

Pregnancy Complications, Low Birth Weight Babies, and Fetal Death

At first, it may be hard to believe that this simple screening call tells us all of this, but it does.

The screening should be done on you AND your partner because these bacteria are transmissible between intimate partners.

This is a revolutionary new test that can give us a great snapshot of your current and future health issues that you may face and head them off before they become an issue.

This includes a Zoom call to go over screening results.

$249 per screening 

The Ultimate 120-Day Sprint To Better Health

middle aged couple dancing

Imagine seizing the reins of your health, guiding your life towards a future where you’re not just surviving, but thriving. That future starts right here, right now.

Our journey together begins with something as simple as your saliva. Yes, you heard that right. A straightforward saliva test for you and your partner will lay the foundation of your path to wellness. This isn’t just any test; it’s your first step towards a life where age is just a number.

This saliva analysis does more than just scratch the surface; it dives deep into your oral microbiome, fishing out critical insights from five key indicator bacteria. These aren’t just random figures; they’re signposts pointing toward potential health risks lurking beneath the surface.

So, if you’re poised to reclaim your health and vitality, to embrace a future where every day is lived to its fullest, your adventure begins with The Comprehensive Disease Prevention-Focused Evaluation and Care 120-Day Customized 360 Health Plan.

We focus on preventing Heart Attacks, Strokes, Cancer, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s, as well as Kidney disease, and Cardiovascular Disease. 

 You get an intensive office call with Dr. Pritchard and her team, as well as an Ai Cat Scan, and intensive blood screening. You will also receive on average about 6 Telehealth visits with the team. 

 Based on the tests and screening you will get a customized protocol to follow to give you the best chance of obtaining optimal disease prevention.

Then at the end of the 120 days, you will get another round of screenings so that adjustments can be made to further enhance your protocol.

Welcome to the starting line. Are you ready to transform your life over the next 120 days?

Gold Evaluation and 12 months of care

black couple smiling

Includes baseline testing, customized reports, and 90-day care plan, and follow-up testing at 90 days and throughout the year as needed per your customized protocol.

Access to the team for consultations and coaching as needed to ensure your success. Access to Dr. Pritchard, a minimum of 6 times during the 12 months.

The PREVENT team and Dr. Pritchard will collaborate with your dental team and your other health care providers as needed to ensure complete and cohesive care consults with Dr. Gina, implementation success support with the prevent team, collaboration with dental/airway teams and your other health care providers as needed, access to on-line education, group meetings, and Q and A sessions.

  • BONUS: Membership in the Heart Stronger Live Longer Club
  • Ticket for VIP access to the Skip Your Next Heart Attack Challenges during your one-year program of care.
  • Membership in and access to our $25,000 group community.
  • Membership in our Exclusive GOLD Level group community 12-week program.
  • 2 Tickets to our invitation-only live events, for you and your guest.


Platinum 360 Health And Longevity Blueprint

The Ultimate Legacy: –  The Platinum 360 Health and Longevity Blueprint for Vibrant Health and Lasting Family Bonds!

Imagine embarking on a journey that doesn’t just optimize your chance at extra years on this earth but gives you the best chance that those years are bursting with vitality, mental clarity, and the energy to make every moment count. This is what our Platinum 360 Health and Longevity Blueprint offers you—a future where your health is the foundation of a legacy that extends beyond your business, reaching the hearts and lives of your family and loved ones.

For the visionary businessman or woman, this plan isn’t solely about achieving unparalleled success in the corporate world, although it can help do exactly that; it’s about creating a life where work and family blend seamlessly, each enhancing the value of the other. Imagine adding not just a decade or two to your life, but doing so with the vibrancy and mental acuity needed to enjoy every laughter-filled family gathering, every milestone of your children and grandchildren, every new business goal, and every quiet moment that makes life truly rich.

The benefits of this journey are profound. With every year of vibrant health, you’re not just witnessing the growth of your business; you’re actively participating in the lives of those you love. You’re there for the graduations, the weddings, the birthdays, and even the simple everyday moments that form the tapestry of family life. Your legacy becomes one of love, wisdom, and guidance, shaping the future of your family as much as your business.

It all starts with a simple saliva test, a gateway to understanding your health at a molecular level, setting the stage for a customized health plan that addresses not just the now, but the future. This is more than a health plan; it’s a blueprint for a life where every day is lived to its fullest, where you’re not just building a business legacy, but a personal one, filled with memories and moments shared with those who matter most.

Are you ready to take the first step towards a future where your health is the key to unlocking decades of success, happiness, and family joy?

Welcome to your new beginning with The Comprehensive Disease Prevention-Focused Evaluation and Care 120-Day Customized 360 Health Plan.

The journey to a vibrant, fulfilling life starts here. Let’s embark on this path together, building a legacy that celebrates not just your achievements, but the love and connections that make those achievements truly meaningful.

As the first step in the process, we will discuss the Saliva test results for you and your partner. This simple saliva test gives us a view of your oral microbiome and tests for five main key indicator bacteria that will tell us if you are at risk for the following.

Initial 120-day customized Cardiac Care Plan, Health Optimization, and Longevity Plan, followed by 12 months of care (1 year of care in total)


Initial testing for health optimization, disease prevention, and longevity

Customized reports.

120-day care plan (with 90 Day Sprints) and longevity blueprint

Follow-up testing after the initial 120 days and throughout the 1 year of care as needed (minimum of 2) based on your Care Plan 

Transitional Care Plan in the 11th month.

Access to the team for consultations, education, and coaching as needed to ensure your success. Access to Dr. Pritchard, with a minimum of 6 consultations during the 1 year.

The PREVENT team and Dr. Pritchard will collaborate with your dental team and your other health care providers as needed to ensure complete and cohesive care consults with Dr. Gina, implementation success support with the prevent team, collaboration with dental/airway teams and your other health care providers as needed, access to on-line education, group meetings, and Q & A sessions.

  • Two weeks of fully prepared meals

  • Exclusive 365 Day Meal Plan (breakfast, lunch, dinner as needed)

  • Grocery Shopping List and Recipes

  • Membership in the Heart Stronger Live Longer Club

  • Ticket for VIP access to the Skip Your Next Heart Attack Challenges during your 18 months of care.

  • Membership in our Exclusive Gold Level group community

  • 2 Tickets, for you and your guest, to our invitation-only live events offered during your 12 months of care.

  • Private Jet experience or we come to you for the initial launch day

You and a guest, along with Dr. Pritchard and a member of the Prevent team will fly on a private jet from St. Petersburg, Florida to Key West Florida where we will spend a relaxing day going over your your current medical condition and customized protocol to follow over the next year. 

Includes baseline testing, personalized report, and 90-day care plan, follow-up testing at 90 days and throughout the year as needed per your protocol.

Access to the team for consultations and coaching as needed to ensure your success. Access to Dr. Pritchard, a minimum of 6 times during the 12 months. The PREVENT team and Dr. Pritchard will collaborate with dental teams and your other healthcare providers as needed to ensure complete and cohesive care

Ticket for VIP access to the Skip Your Next Heart Attack Challenges during your one-year program of care.

Membership in and access to our {?Name for 25K} group community

Tickets to our invitation-only live events, for you and your
Membership in our Exclusive “Patient-Only” PLATINUM group community online education, group meetings, and Q & A sessions 2 times monthly.


  • Saliva test

  • Sleep test (30 Days at Home)

  • AI_CT Face and Airway

  • AI_CT Heart

  • Carotid Ultrasound (CIMT)

  • Biological Age

  • Genetics and Epigenetics

  • Blood and urine

  • Body Composition

  • Physical Examination

  • EKG

  • Cognitive Assessment

  • Longevity Fitness Assessment

  • Continuous Glucose Monitor

  • You Will Get Wearable Technology for continuous monitoring

We will also see if bio-identical hormone therapy in collaboration is applicable and we use the top compounding pharmacy in the country to set your protocol. We always thoroughly evaluate your current hormone levels, and test out dosages in a manner that can be adjusted and gauged, before committing to this.

The goal is to reduce the risk of you getting these to a bare minimum.

Heart Attack


Brain Abscess

Vascular Disease

Fatty Liver

Renal and Kidney Failure

Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Kidney and Renal failure

Cancer (Pancreas, Esophagus, Colon, Breast, Lungs, Head and Neck)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Dental Implant Failure

Periodontal Disease

Bone Loss

Pregnancy Complications, Low Birth Weight Babies, and Fetal Death

This will be done on you AND your partner because these bacteria are transmissible between intimate partners.


The Emerald: A Year-Long Odyssey to Unrivaled Health, Longevity, and Luxury

pr home

The ultimate in health optimization and longevity (including disease prevention) for you and your loved one or partner.  Be it your husband or wife, or your business partner to maximize productivity.

Preserve Your Prime: Concierge Medicine for Health-Savvy Individuals

The PREVENT team and Dr. Pritchard will collaborate with your dental team and your other health care providers as needed to ensure complete and cohesive care consults with Dr. Gina, implementation success support with the prevent team, collaboration with dental/airway teams and your other health care providers as needed, access to on-line education, group meetings, and Q & A sessions.

We will fly on a private jet to a luxury home where we will spend two days laying out your blueprint for optimal health and longevity, where we will be served delicious meals that showcase how easy it is to eat for optimal health. What you eat is the first part of your journey in preserving your prime and turning back your biological clock. There is indeed truth to “You are what you eat”. Your body must have the essential building blocks to do so.  Because your body replaces Billions of cells every day.

  • Four weeks of fully prepared optimal health meals
  • 7 Telemedicine Checkups with Dr. Pritchard
  • Exclusive 365 Day Meal Plan (breakfast, lunch, dinner as needed)
  • Grocery Shopping List and Recipes
  • 3 visits from your Longevity Coordinator for testing at your home or business
  • Membership in the Heart Stronger Live Longer Club
  • Ticket for VIP access to the Skip Your Next Heart Attack Challenges during your 1 year of care.
  • Membership in our Exclusive Platinum Level group community
  • 2 Tickets, for you and your guest, to our invitation-only live events offered during your 1 year of care.
  • Private Jet experience
  • Dr. Pritchard and the team come to you for the launch day (or we all fly together on the private jet to a pre-determined location)
  • The Prevent team comes to you for all testing as needed.


    Initial testing for health optimization, disease prevention, and longevity

    Customized report

    120-day care plan and longevity blueprint (with 90 Day Sprints)

    Follow-up testing after the initial 120 days and throughout the year of care as needed (minimum of 2) based on your Care Plan 

    Transitional Care Plan in the 11th month

    Access to the team for consultations, education, and coaching as needed to ensure your success. Access to Dr. Pritchard, with a minimum of 8 consultations during the year.

    Initial 120-day customized Cardiac Care Plan, Health Optimization, and Longevity Plan, followed by 8 months of care (1 year of care in total).


    • Saliva test

    • Sleep test (30 Days at Home)

    • AI_CT Face and Airway

    • AI_CT Heart

    • Carotid Ultrasound (CIMT)

    • Biological Age

    • Genetics and Epigenetics

    • Blood and urine

    • Body Composition

    • Physical Examination

    • EKG

    • Cognitive Assessment

    • Longevity Fitness Assessment

    • Continuous Glucose Monitor

    • You Will Get Wearable Technology for continuous monitoring

    We will also see if bio-identical hormone therapy in collaboration is applicable and we use the top compounding pharmacy in the country to set your protocol. We always thoroughly evaluate your current hormone levels, and test out dosages in a manner that can be adjusted and gauged, before committing to this.


    The goal is to reduce the risk of you getting these to a bare minimum.

    Heart Attack


    Brain Abscess

    Vascular Disease

    Fatty Liver

    Renal and Kidney Failure

    Dementia and Alzheimer’s

    Kidney and Renal failure

    Cancer (Pancreas, Esophagus, Colon, Breast, Lungs, Head and Neck)

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Dental Implant Failure

    Periodontal Disease

    Bone Loss

    Pregnancy Complications, Low Birth Weight Babies, and Fetal Death

    This will be done on you AND your partner because these bacteria are transmissible between intimate partners.


The Diamond Plan: A Year-Long Odyssey to Unrivaled Health, Longevity, and Luxury

Welcome to the Diamond Plan, the epitome of health transformation programs, meticulously crafted for those who seek a complete metamorphosis in their health and lifestyle over a full year, not just an improvement.

This isn’t just a health plan; it’s our commitment to help you turn back the clock on your biological age, enveloped in unparalleled luxury and personalized care at your convenience around your schedule.

This plan is for two people, you and the partner of your choice

Why do we make this for two people? Because it won’t be nice when you have a chance to be in prime mental and physical health for possibly decades to come and have someone to share it with?

Your Legacy

What about about business continuity and growth? As a business owner or key executive, imagine you and your partner or key executive being at the top of your game for years and years to come, being able to think more clearly, plan better, and live long enough to see those plans come to fruition.  How many millions, hundreds of millions, or even billions would that amount to for you?  This plan puts you in the best position to make those possibilities a reality. 

This is what this means for your legacy, for your family, for your children’s children…

Imagine embarking on a 12-month journey where every detail is tailored to your body’s unique needs, leveraging cutting-edge DNA testing to not only understand your current state of health but to actively reverse your biological age. This plan goes beyond the surface, offering deep insights into your genetic makeup, enabling us to tailor a health and nutrition strategy that’s as unique as your DNA.

Your journey through the Diamond Plan is punctuated with visits every 90 days, including comprehensive retesting to closely monitor your progress and refine your personalized plan as needed. These aren’t just check-ins; they’re milestones that celebrate your progress and fine-tune your path to optimal health and vitality.

From the moment you begin, luxury and convenience are paramount. Your initial engagement starts with an opulent 2-day baseline examination, setting the stage for your transformation. Whether you choose to be whisked away on a private jet to luxurious accommodations in Key West or prefer the comfort and privacy of your home, your journey begins with an unmatched commitment to comfort and exclusivity.


Roll Back Your Biological Clock


The Diamond Plan offers more than just DNA insights and luxurious settings. You’ll have regular access to Dr. Gina Pritchard and your personal Longevity Coordinator, ensuring that expert guidance and support are always at your fingertips. This dedicated team is your compass on this journey, offering insights, adjustments, and encouragement every step of the way.  All of this to help you turn back your biological clock.

Your dietary regimen is nothing short of exquisite, with every meal crafted to provide optimum nutrition tailored to your body’s needs. This comprehensive approach ensures that every bite not only satisfies your taste buds but also brings you closer to your health goals.

With the Diamond Plan, you’re not just investing in a health program; you’re embracing a lifestyle where every detail is curated for your ultimate benefit. This year-long voyage is designed to not only extend your lifespan but to enrich every moment of it, turning back the biological clock and infusing every day with vitality and joy.

While it is said money can’t buy you everything, this investment could very well give you your best chance at living as long as you can in the best mental and physical health possible. 

Ask yourself this… What is an extra decade or two of optimal health worth to you?

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey, where your health, longevity, and luxury converge in the ultimate year-long odyssey? The Diamond Plan awaits, offering you the keys to a life reimagined, where every day is a testament to your unwavering commitment to excellence in health and living.

Join us in this unparalleled adventure, where every 90 days mark a new chapter in your journey to a rejuvenated, vibrant self, surrounded by the pinnacle of luxury and the highest standard of personalized care. Welcome to the Diamond Plan, where your journey to reverse time begins.

The quantum leap in optimizing your health and longevity:

Your Doctor, Dr. Pritchard, and your Personal Longevity Coordinator, Holley Deal, will come to your home or place of business anywhere in the US including Puerto Rico. Outlying territories are an additional cost.

You and a guest, along with Dr. Pritchard and the team will fly on a private jet from St. Petersburg, Florida to Key West Florida. While in the air we will begin to discuss your plan in a relaxing intimate setting.

In either case, we will spend two full days going over your medical history, health history, current concerns and goals, what you are eating, your exercise regime, and what a typical day looks like for looking for stress points all the while compiling your customized optimized health and longevity plan. 

This is not your normal check-up where the doctor is rushing you through things to get to their next patient. You get 100% of our attention and you can ask any questions along the way.

We will review and further develop your personalized protocol to follow for the next full years.  This follow-up is critical to your long-term success. This allows us to maximize those results as you improve.

This includes all of the tests and follow-ups based on the results.

This is a holistic whole-body approach that includes, diet, exercise, testing, and 1 on 1 care.

What this means is that you will not only have optimal body health, but optimal brain health as well.  We want to do everything we can to ensure Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia are words that never describe your condition.

Why two full days?  Because we want you to fully understand what you need to do to potentially add decades of optimal and fully functional you to your life. 

Ask yourself this question. Isn’t two days worth adding decades of optimal health to your life? 

The protocols you will follow are based on the latest cutting-edge scientific studies which won’t become mainstream for years to come, yet are used by those in the Medical Profession who are in the know.

This will allow you to build your legacy and help increase the possibility of you staying sharp as a tack well into your 80s and beyond.

Includes baseline testing for your prevention plan as well as for your longevity status and plan.

We then follow up with a Personalized Care Plan for Prevention and Longevity (365 Day Plan with 90 Day Sprints)

Follow-up testing after the initial 90-day sprint and throughout the year as needed (minimum of 2) based on your Care Plan.

You will also receive a complete oral health checkup in St. Petersberg, Floriday at Dr. Wilkinsons’ clinic not only for oral health but airway health as well.  

We will create a Transition Care Plan in the 11th month.

Access to the team for consultations and coaching as needed to ensure your success. Access to Dr. Pritchard, a minimum of 8 times during the 12 months,

The PREVENT team and Dr. Pritchard will collaborate with your dental team and your other health care providers as needed to ensure complete and cohesive care consults with Dr. Gina, implementation success support with the prevent team, collaboration with dental/airway teams and your other health care providers as needed, access to on-line education, group meetings, and Q & A sessions.

  • 5 Continues 2-week Glucose Monitors 
  • A 45-minute massage once a week for each partner (this will help your lymph system and help release stress hormones)
  • BONUS: Membership in the Heart Stronger Live Longer Club
  • Ticket for VIP access to the Skip Your Next Heart Attack Challenges during your one-year program of care.
  • Access to everything above.
  • Exclusive access to our Platinum level 
  • 2 Tickets to our invitation-only live events, for you and your guest.
  • We provide prepared customized meals for a full year:  365 Days worth for 2 people. If you like, you never have to eat the same thing twice. It includes Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Dessert as desired. We also have a Carnivore option.


  • Saliva test

  • Sleep test (30 Days at Home)

  • AI_CT Face and Airway

  • AI_CT Heart

  • Carotid Ultrasound (CIMT)

  • Biological Age

  • Genetics and Epigenetics

  • Blood and urine

  • Body Composition

  • Physical Examination

  • EKG

  • Cognitive Assessment

  • Longevity Fitness Assessment

  • Continuous Glucose Monitor

  • You Will Get Wearable Technology for continuous monitoring

We will also see if bio-identical hormone therapy in collaboration is applicable and we use the top compounding pharmacy in the country to set your protocol. We always thoroughly evaluate your current hormone levels, and test out dosages in a manner that can be adjusted and gauged, before committing to this.

The goal is to reduce the risk of you getting these to a bare minimum.

Heart Attack


Brain Abscess

Vascular Disease

Fatty Liver

Renal and Kidney Failure

Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Kidney and Renal failure

Cancer (Pancreas, Esophagus, Colon, Breast, Lungs, Head and Neck)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Dental Implant Failure

Periodontal Disease

Bone Loss

Pregnancy Complications, Low Birth Weight Babies, and Fetal Death


This will be done on you AND your partner because these bacteria are transmissible between intimate partners.



A Sample Of Your Longevity Menu

Because eating healthy can taste great!